"My Place, Just for Kids" operates
Monday through Friday
from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
We are licensed
for 14 children
We accept children
between the ages of
12 months and 5 years old
"My Place, Just for Kids" operates Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
We are licensed for 14 children
We accept infants ages 12 -24 months,
toddlers from 24-30 months
and preschoolers from 30-48 months.
We are a Daycare, but so much more.
We are also a Pre-school and a Pre-K learning environment for children ages 1-5.
DAYCARE: At age 12 months children can start attending a daycare environment for socialization skills and a "learning through play" environment that prepares them for Preschool.
PRESCHOOL: At age 2 and 3 a preschool environment is necessary to start exploring the fundamentals of learning through small group teaching interactions but still engage in free play and exploration with peers.
PRE-K: At age 4 children can begin a Pre-K class, where they will continue to form relationships with peers but also have that necessary progression from little kid to big kid status. In Pre-K the academics are introduced such as pencil holding, letter and number recognition and forming, simple sounding out of words and discovering classroom techniques.
At My Place, Just for Kids we provide all these environments for children that help them reach the goals needed for grade-school at age 5.

Panda Bears:
We are the Panda Bears! Hear us ROAR!
We are new to being away from mommy and daddy. For most of us, this is our first care giving experience. We are happy, curious and silly.
At age 1-2, we are like little sponges, soaking up the knowledge; everything we hear and see, we mimic and memorize.
We love music, dance and story time the most, but more-so than everything else, we want to be on the move!
We can eat and drink unassisted now and are learning classroom transistions and routines.
We want to be independent but still need so much assistance. Our self esteems are fragile at this age....So help me out, but let me think I did it all by myself!
Honey Bears:
We are the Honey Bears! Hear us ROAR!
At 2 and 3 years old we are quite sassy to the whole " I'm a Preschooler now" attitude. We are energetic, talkative, and curious-"know-it-alls".
We love to draw and color and build and invent.
We are highly social and class time is where I get to be with my friends all day.
I am learning to count and recite. I will soon know all of my colors and shapes, letters, and numbers. I am learning Spanish and big words.
I am holding a pencil and starting to write. I have workbooks and work pages to do at school.
I am responsible for my classroom. I have jobs and responsibilities that make me feel like I belong. I love science and bring items from the home to help with weekly cooking and experiments.
Polar Bears:
We are the Polar bears. Hear us ROAR!
We are the big kids of the school ( ages 4-5) and we know it! We know just about everything about something and will tell you so!
We are confident and proud and leaders of the pack!
We are so smart and are getting ready to go to Kindergarten soon!
We are writing with ease. We are masters at coloring and drawing. We can count higher than everyone else plus we can add and take-away!
We help the teachers with important jobs at school and make them very proud.
We are great at remembering things like turning in our weekend homework and what the theme is for Friday Fun Day!
This summer we will graduate from MPFKF and will be missed so much.